Cheyenne, Willy, Chelsea,
Leo & Rebecca Lynn
Cheyenne - 5 years old,
Willy -11 years old,
Chelsea -9 years old,
Leo - 14-17 years old
and Becky -10 years old
There is not enough room on this page to go through each of their stories.
But I can tell you they are Healthy and Happy now.
Waffles (above)
Waffles is a stray that wondered into our house though the cat doors
and NEVER LEFT! When he arrived he was about 11 lbs. He has grown to 18lbs.
Bringing Home Baby
These ducklings were purchased for my daughter for Easter. Ham
& Omelette are the fun on the farm! They always keep us laughing!
No More Babies!
Hammy & Omelette
These are the babies all grown up. Our Runner Ducks run the farm
and keep everyone in their place!
(notice the statue)